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Flowering Rush

Flowering Rush

(Butomus umbellatus)

Become Part of the Network


Are you interested in bringing iMapInvasives to your state or province? Below is some general information you'll need to know when beginning this process. For additional information on hosting iMapInvasives in your state or province, please Contact Us.


Why Join the iMapInvasives Network?


If you'd like to learn more about why your jurisdiction should consider joining the iMapInvasives network, click here (or on the flyer on left) highlighting important information from NatureServe, the organization that hosts the iMapInvasives program and network. 

Core Functionality


All functionality funded and developed by the iMapInvasives Partnership is added to the core functionality and then made available to participating jurisdictions. The programming for iMapInvasives is designed to facilitate incorporating new jurisdictions. There is a one-time programming fee to set up a new jurisdiction.


Jurisidction-specific Functionality


Each jurisdiction is empowered to set several parameters to meet the specific needs of their users, for example:

  • Choose which species to track

  • Assign user roles and permissions

  • Create early detection network with customizable email alerts for users

  • Contribute to the directon of future iMapInvasives development


To Become a Participating Jurisdiction


First, identify a lead agency or organization for your jurisdiction. Most iMapInvasives programs are lead by the state or province Natural Heritage Program (known by many different names; part of the NatureServe Network). However, any agency or organization with the interest and dedication to manage invasive species data can be the administrator for their jurisdiction.


More information


For additional information on participating in the iMapInvasives Project, please Contact Us or see NatureServe's iMapInvasives page.

Participating Jurisdictions


Each participating state or province has an organization or agency that serves as the iMapInvasives Administrator for the jurisdiction. The administrating agency, together with partners, ensures key tasks necessary for participation and data maintenance are completed. Examples of key tasks for a successful iMapInvasives program include:

  • Aggregate invasive species data from agencies, organization, universities, etc.

  • Provide iMapInvasives Training

  • Review iMapInvasives user permissions requests

  • Review on-line submitted data and confirm sightings when possible

  • Ensure annual iMapInvasives Service fee is paid

  • Network with other agencies and organizations

Our Partners

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