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What are the benefits of using iMapInvasives?


The greatest strength of iMapInvasives is its network: a partnership of programs with shared goals, diverse expertise, ties to the wider NatureServe network, and an atmosphere of collaboration and support. In addition, the iMapInvasives platform provides a detailed and standardized geospatial data model for tracking information important to the casual user as well as the natural resource manager. Each iMapInvasives program is overseen by an administrator who vets species lists, confirms observations, and closely collaborates with local and regional organizations to collect, manage, and share invasive species data. The iMapInvasives platform also includes several built-in query and reporting tools as well as detailed mapping and recordkeeping for more complex data such as treatment and survey information.
See our "Why iMapInvasives" page for details on the benefits of using iMapInvasives.
Learn more about the role of the iMapInvasives Network.

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