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How can my state or province become a member of the iMapInvasives Network?

If your jurisdiction is not a Participating Jurisdiction, you will first need to identify a lead agency or organization for your state or province who can take on the responsibilities of participating in the network. Most jurisdiction iMapInvasives programs are managed by their state/province Natural Heritage Program (known by many different names, but all are part of the NatureServe Network). However, any agency or organization with the interest and dedication to manage invasive species data can become a member of the iMapInvaisves Network. 

By joining the iMapInvasives Network, a jurisdiction gains access to the full suite of features and functionality of the iMapInvasives platform, benefits from the knowledge and experience of other iMap jurisdictions, and has a voice in shaping future developments of the platform.


For additional details and guidance on becoming part of the iMapInvasives Network, please review our "Become Part of the Network" page and contact us with any additional questions you have.

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