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Projects in iMapInvasives allow individual users or organizations to organize records by labeling them as belonging to one or more projects. This allows users to quickly query for records belonging to that project. Projects can be used to track management efforts for a single species over a season, document work done for a grant, or record volunteer early detection efforts for a park, for example. Any of the iMapInvasives record types can be included in a project.
A project in iMapInvasives has two basic functions:
A way to organize records into a group that can be easily searched or downloaded.
A way for multiple agencies to submit and share records for a common initiative.
While one user will be the Project Administrator, any other iMapInvasives users can be added to the project by the Project Administrator regardless of their organizational affiliations. Users that are listed as project members can enter data for the project.
For more information, please see our PDF on How to Create a Project.
Creating a Project
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