Bull Thistle
(Cirsium vulgare)

Who We Are
iMapInvasives is more than just an online data management system for invasive species... It is driven by a partnership of dedicated conservation professionals!
The iMapInvasives Partnership began in 2007 as a collective effort between the Natural Heritage Programs of Florida and New York as both states were taking on the task of managing invasive species data in addition to managing information about rare species and natural ecosystems for their states. They decided to work together with a team of innovative developers to build a system that could easily be modified for new states and would foster a growing network. Other organizations that saw the value of a collaborative data management system for invasive species joined the effort as key partners. This network of organizations works to ensure that the iMapInvasives Partnership continues to grow and contribute to the field of conservation.
The iMapInvasives platform is developed and hosted by NatureServe.
The original database development and roll-out funds for iMapInvasives were contributed by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (via the Environmental Protection Fund), The Nature Conservancy Global Invasive Species Team, and The Nature Conservancy Oregon Chapter.
Continued maintenance and enhanced functionality initiatives are funded by annual fees paid by individual state and provincial organizations administering active iMapInvasives sites. View a list of current member programs.